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- by Douglas Weir
- The following comments are supplementary to those contained in the magazine.
- FAX is a desk accessory, which means that you should copy it to the disk you
- boot from, which contains your other ".ACC" files. FAX works in all three
- resolutions. It was developed primarily to be used with "1st_Word" and the
- Desktop. Note that ONLY "1st_Word" windows with NO special text styling (e.g.,
- italics, underlining, etc.) can be successfully dumped.
- The source code files for FAX are included on the disk. The top level is
- contained in "fax.c"; the other routines are entered through the code contained
- in "fx.c". To play with it, you need a Megamax C compiler. Compile "fax.c",
- then "fx.c". Make a library out of the latter, then link "fax.o" with "acc.l"
- and the library you created to get "fax.acc". The compiler will give you lots
- of warnings about the use of A5 as a base register in the files "f5.ca" -
- "f8.ca" when you compile "fx.c", but you can ignore them. The file "fxcomp.h"
- contains the settings of certain switches used to compile the present version
- of FAX. "TEST_VER" was used to compile an earlier version which was run as a
- TOS application with a command line, for testing. "SC_IMAGE" was a version that
- saved the entire screen memory before processing instead of one line at a time.
- Change the switch settings at your own risk -- it's been a while since I have.
- When you select FAX from the Accessory menu a small GEM window will appear and
- you will be prompted to enter the "spacing". This is a one-digit number that
- specifies the amount of extra scan lines inserted between text lines in the
- window you wish to dump. The default spacing is 0, which means that the
- application is simply using the spacing supplied by the system and no more.
- "1st_Word" does this. Ironically, the GEM Desktop inserts two extra scan lines
- between each text line, so the value entered in this case is 2.
- The second prompt asks you to enter a "d" for Desktop (if you are dumping a
- Desktop window), "1" for "1st_Word", or "l" for Logo. The first two windows are
- special cases: not all of the "official" workspace in them is occupied by text.
- The Desktop adds a special non-text symbol to the left of subdirectory names
- and this portion of the window has to be "trimmed" out of the memory block
- inspected by FAX. In the case of "1st_Word" the entire left border is a non-GEM
- feature added by the program, while the subtitle area across the top of the
- window seems to be handled by application routines and not by GEM -- the
- workspace dimensions returned by GEM for a "1st_Word" window include this area,
- and they shouldn't. Since there is no way for FAX to learn through system calls
- what sort of window it is handling, you have to give it this information.
- (Press "return" here for the default setting.)
- The spacing and program prompts are kept separate in case you want to try FAX
- on text windows generated by some other application that, perhaps, uses
- non-standard spacing. Be warned, however, that windows with other non-standard
- "features" unknown to FAX will not dump. Text windows using the system font
- (and only the system font) in a strictly "legal" GEM format should present no
- problems.
- The reverse-video character cell in a "1st_Word" or Logo window which
- represents the cursor is handled by FAX, but in a slightly erratic way. FAX
- "recognizes" characters from their bit-mapped images in screen memory by
- hashing the character-cell data and using this as a key to a table. If the
- cursor cell hashes to an invalid key then the program will try reversing the
- image, but if the cell does happen to yield a good key AND there is no
- "collision" with other values hashing to the same key, then FAX will assume
- that the default ASCII code for that key is correct. In other words, if you
- dump a "1st_Word" or Logo window with the cursor positioned over a character,
- you may or may not find the correct character printed out in that position.
- This is a flaw in the program's design which will be corrected in a later
- version. (For any hackers in the audience, the correction needs to be made in
- 'dump_line' in "f8.ca".)However, it is easy to make sure that the cursor is
- positioned over blank space when using FAX, even after you have activated the
- accessory. Once the two prompts discussed above have been answered, FAX's
- window becomes just like any other GEM window -- or almost. You can move it
- around, or you can re-activate the window you intend to dump (FAX meanwhile
- becomes an inactive window) and make changes to it. When you are ready to
- execute the dump you re-activate FAX if necessary and click on the "close" box
- to start the dump. Or if you decide to abort, just click on the "full" box.
- During the prompts, you can abort by simply pressing the 'x' key.
- The reverse-video text lines sometimes used by the Desktop are not a problem,
- since FAX forces a redraw of the window it is about to dump and this gets rid
- of the highlighting. FAX will work with screens whose colors have been altered
- through the Control Panel accessory, and it will work on monochrome screens
- that have been "reversed".
- When FAX begins execution (after you have closed its window), it hides the
- mouse cursor and then starts processing the screen memory, based on what GEM
- has told it about the active window and its dimensions. If there is no active
- window, FAX simply terminates and restores the mouse cursor. If there is a
- delay greater than 2-4 seconds before the dump starts, check to make sure your
- printer is switched on. If FAX seems to be taking too long figuring things out
- (this could happen if you entered the wrong spacing or didn't tell it about a
- "1st_Word" window), you can abort it by pressing any key -- the mouse cursor
- should reappear.
- In some cases where an application is using an unusual redraw algorithm to
- maintain its windows, you may find that the window you want to dump is not
- being redrawn properly after you close the FAX window. If this happens, simply
- restart FAX and, this time, move it away from the window you want to dump
- before you close it.
- As mentioned, FAX will dump Logo text windows. The situation with ST-BASIC is
- not so simple. The "Command" window will dump with a space setting of 1 (one)
- and a carriage return for the second prompt, but only if it is the only window
- on the screen. This is due to BASIC's redraw "algorithm". Attempts to dump
- other (e.g., "List") windows, even when all other windows were closed, were
- unsuccessful.
- The actual amount of memory occupied by FAX is a little over 39K bytes. Most
- of this is for the GEM windowing routines used for FAX's own window. This part
- of FAX is a slightly altered version of "WWX.C" (see the October ST-LOG). There
- is one important difference, however. The window has been made small enough so
- that its buffer can be declared as a simple 9K-byte array. It seems that just
- calling one of the dynamic memory-allocation functions ('calloc()' or
- 'malloc()') imposes an incredible memory overhead on a program. I tried calling
- 'calloc()' to assign 0 (zero) bytes to a pointer in a desk accessory demo and
- found that the active size of the program increased by 44K (!) bytes. Whether
- this is a bug just in the Megamax version of these routines or in the
- underlying TOS calls I haven't had time yet to find out, but I suspect the
- latter. Of course, the only reason one would want to use these calls in an
- accessory is to get around an arbitrary segment-size restriction such as
- Megamax's, since you can't "de-allocate" such space back to the system when
- you're finished with it. Nevertheless, the moral of this story seems to be:
- don't do "dynamic" memory allocation in a desk accessory -- it's REALLY
- dynamic.